18400 Muncaster Road, Derwood, MD
7 pm - 9:pm
TWO Meetings in 1!
FIRST: Equipment Swap!
From 7:00 PM to 7:45 You can display your unwanted beekeeping equipment, and browse what others have brought. If you want to sell your wares, bring them with a requested prices already attached. This is a great opportunity to ask fellow beekeepers how they use different pieces of equipment or pick up issues of beekeeping journals to learn more.
NOTE: Equipment, especially woodenware must be clean and disease free.
SECOND: Ask a Bee Expert!
From 7:45PM - 9:00PM Our panel of three experienced beekeepers will take questions from audience members – no need to submit questions in advance.

MCBA Member
CHARLIE BRANDTS is the official beekeeper at The White House. Secret Service and other security protocols create extra beekeeping challenges, so Charlie had to develop his own management practices. His hives are exceptionally productive, and his honey has been enjoyed by two administrations.

MCBA Member
MARY McQUEEN is very successful and experienced beekeeper. Her honey and hive products are consistently winners at the annual August Honey Show. She successfully raises queens, and makes splits, so her advice can save us all money.

MCBA Member
MARK THIESSEN brings the urban beekeeping experience. He fought for and received permission to place hives on the rooftop of the National Geographic building in downtown Washington, DC. You may have met him in our bee yard at Brookside Nature Center where he mentors MCBA members some Saturdays. Four years ago he graduated from the MCBA short course and continues to learn all he can about honey bees.,
More details coming soon – meeting will combine an equipment swap, where members can bring beekeeping items they wish toggle away or sell, and “Ask A Beekeeper,” featuring three beekeepers with different points of view and experience.