SPEAKER: David Clark
LOCATION: Agricultural Farm Park, 18400 Muncaster Road, Derwood MD (CLICK for additional location info)
TIME: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
TOPIC #1: Getting Ready for the Honey Flow. A springtime guide of what to do to your hives, and when to do it.
TOPIC #2: Creating a Self-Sustaining Apiary: Stop being a bee-buyer. Raise your own queens and nucs without special equipment. David Clark will give step-by-step instructions to use the OTS (On The Spot) queen rearing method, but with an important update. He has modified the timing so it works in Maryland. Benefits include saving money, reducing swarming, increasing future honey harvest by breeding your best honey makers, having back-up nucs to replace winter losses and queen failures.
David Clark's May 8, 2019 power point presentation on On The Spot Queens and Nucs can be downloaded by clicking:
(as supplied by David Clark)

01. Retired from the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
02. Maryland Beekeeper for 10 years.
03. Won the Maryland State Beekeepers Citizenship Award in 2014.
04. A Beekeeper in 5 Bee Clubs, - Anne Arundel County Beekeepers – Southern Maryland Beekeepers – Bowie Upper Marlboro Beekeepers – DC Alliance Beekeepers – Maryland State Beekeepers.
05. On the board with the Maryland State Beekeepers.
06. A Bee instructor at the University District of Columbia.
07. Has trained over 18 mentors over the past 6 years.
08. Supplied Bees to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum for a few years.
09. Self-Sustaining Beekeeper for 8 years.
10. Produces 12 to 14 Nucs and average 200 to 300 pounds of Honey each year.