Awards! Elections! Honey Tasting!
This is one of our most popular meetings.
We will:
- HONOR a few outstanding MCBA Volunteers
- ELECT new board members
- TASTE exotic honey
- COMPARE local honey and CHOOSE the Best in Club
- Get your sweet tooth ready!
WHEN: Wednesday, November 13th, 7pm - 9pm
WHERE: Agricultural History Farm Park 18400 Muncaster Rd, Derwood, MD 20855
WHAT: This is our annual Business Meeting, 4th Annual Honey Tasting and 2nd Annual Volunteer Recognition Event

- VARIETAL HONEY: Club member and Master Beekeeper Jim Fraser will share his collection of varietal honeys - i.e. honey that bees made using nectar from one type of plant, and which was harvested before other plant blossoms were available. He'll bring more than 15 different types of honey for you to taste and compare. Some taste amazing, and some are dreadful, but the most interesting part is that other club members will have exactly the opposite opinions. Be sure to try the Buckwheat Varietal and see who raves and who spits. Among Jim's Honey offerings may include: Alfalfa, Almond, Avocado Bamboo, Black locust, Blueberry, Brazilian pepper, Buckwheat, Butter bean, Carrot blossom, Clover, Cotton, Cranberry, Eucalyptus, Gall berry, Greek fir, Holly, Hawaiian Pine, Pumpkin, Raspberry, Scorpionweed, Southern belle, Thyme, Tulip popular, Tupelo...
- BEST IN CLUB CONTEST– How does your honey stack up against your fellow club members' honey? Bring 8oz of your honey in a squeeze bottle to enter the contest. If you win, you will have bragging rights for Best In Club honey for the next 12 months! Plus your name will engraved on our perpetual trophy.
- 2018 Ed Digges
- 2017 Stephanie Powers
- 2016 Dara Ballow-Griffen

- Any current member may submit their own honey to be judged for taste (to check your membership status, simply log-in to the website).
- Bring a squeeze bottle of honey, 8-ounces will be enough. Jars should be unlabeled (for anonymity).
- Submit your bottle before 7:20 PM at the table marked 'Honey Entries Here" in back of the meeting room. Vice president Pam Hepp ( or her helpers will assign your bottle a number.
- Each attending member will receive 3 poker chips
- After tasting all the entries, members vote on their favorite 3 honeys using their poker chips:
- BLUE CHIP = 1st place choice (3 points)
- RED CHIP = 2nd place choice (2 points)
- WHITE CHIP = 3rd place choice (1 point)
- The honey earning the most points wins BEST IN CLUB! The honey’s beekeeper gets MCBA's traveling trophy for a year, and bragging rights for a lifetime!
Every November, we vote to keep our board members or to bring in new hemolymph.
Job descriptions for Board positions are contained in the Bylaws, located on our website at Home > Membership > Bylaws. (Or click HERE to read them.)
To see who is on the ballot so far, click HERE.
If YOU'd like to be on the ballot, please email MCBA Secretary Maureen Jais-Mick ( or you can make an announcement at the November meeting.
The board will present a brief report on 2019 activities and finances
We will honor volunteers who have donated 100 or more hours to MCBA since the Club’s incorporation in 2010.
To see the list of Honorees, click HERE
If YOU would like to help our club thrive, click HERE to see a list of Volunteer Opportunities.