AGENDA: | SEASONAL BEEKEEPING Q&A (Scroll down to see how to submit questions) Seeing something odd in your hive? Something you don’t understand or can’t identify? This is the place to ask and share. | | GUEST SPEAKER |
New Research and its Impact on YOUR Bees
GUEST SPEAKER TOPIC: New Research and its Impact on YOUR Bees
DAY: Wednesday, August 12, 2020
TIME: 7:00pm - 9:00pm (link will work starting a 15-minutes early so you can set up your computer)
WHY: Participate to learn...
- Factors affecting queen reproduction
- Surprising impacts of diet on honey bee health
- Development and evaluation strategies for varroacides
WHERE: Online ONLY. Use the Zoom Link Below
Elina L. Niño will present research findings from her UC Davis lab. She'll discuss forage and probiotic supplementation's impact on honey bee health, several aspects of varroa mite control, and regulation of queen reproduction. Elina will describe some of her recently started research projects, including determining the role of honey bees in self-fertile plant pollination, and phytochemical use for improving bees' immune response. Elina will conclude with a few remarks about her extension program including the thriving California Master Beekeeper Program, established in 2016.

Elina L. Niño is an Extension Specialist for Apiculture with UC ANR UCCE located in the Department of Entomology and Nematology at UC Davis. Through her extension activities, Dr. Niño works to support beekeepers and the beekeeping industry. She serves as the research liaison on the CSBA Board and as a member of the Pollinator Workgroup for the Almond Board of California. Her lab also offers a variety of beekeeping courses and educational opportunities for beekeepers, future beekeepers, other agricultural professionals and general public. Most recently, her lab has implemented the first California Master Beekeeper Program. Dr. Niño’s research interests encompass basic and applied approaches to understanding and improving honey bee health and particularly honey bee queen health. Ongoing research projects include understanding queen mating and reproductive processes, testing novel biopesticides for efficacy against varroa mites, and evaluating almond orchard management practices with a goal of improving honey bee health.
FUN FACT: I love to run for fun and have completed a half marathon and a sprint triathlon so far and I'm planning on a marathon after the pandemic is over (fingers crossed!).
To learn more about the E. L. Niño Bee Lab you can visit
This webinar presents MCBA's meeting (7pm) directly on your computer. To 'attend' requires just three clicks:
- 10 minutes before the meeting starts, click the ZOOM LINK listed above
- When your computer asks, click "open"
- When your computer asks, click "join with computer audio"
You can join using a computer, phone or tablet, but to use a phone or tablet you must first download and install the free Zoom MEETING app from the app store, or by clicking HERE.
Connecting to ZOOM before the meeting starts will give you time to work through potential glitches.
To ASK General Beekeeping questions for the 7:00 PM to 7:30 Q&A you have two options: a) submit them in advance by typing them in the 'Comments" section at the bottom of this page, or TYPE them into the Q&A chat dialog during our Q&A session.
To ASK the Guest Speaker QUESTIONS during the meeting, TYPE them into the chat dialog during her talk. A club volunteer will monitor questions, then read them aloud so everyone can hear. Please don't 'unmute' your microphone during the meeting.