TOPIC: Swarms - The biology, ecology, and management of swarms in your bee yard
AGENDA: | SEASONAL BEEKEEPING Q&A (Scroll down to see how to submit questions) Seeing something odd in your hive? Something you don’t understand or can’t identify? This is the place to ask and share. | | GUEST SPEAKER |

GUEST SPEAKER: Stephen Repasky, Co-Author Swarm Essentials
DAY: Wednesday, Nov 11, 2020
TIME: 7:00pm - 9:00pm (link will work starting a 15-minutes early so you can set up your computer or phone)
WHY: Participate will learn...
- To be proactive not reactive
- Swarms are fun!
- Swarming is not something to be afraid of but should be understood and managed
WHERE: Online ONLY. Use the Zoom Link Below

Photo (c) Pittsburgh City Paper
Stephen Repasky is a second-generation beekeeper living in Pittsburgh, PA. He is a certified Master Beekeeper through the Eastern Apicultural Society and is also the current President of the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association, past president and co-founder of Burgh Bees, and a past member of the Board of Directors for the American Beekeeping Federation. He is also an active member of the PA Queen Bee Improvement Project and is a member of the Penn State Center for Pollinator Research Advisory Board and the Pennsylvania State Apiary Advisory Board. Stephen manages approximately 200 colonies and is involved in honey production, queen rearing and the selling of nucleus hives each summer to those interested in starting or expanding their own beekeeping adventure! Stephen co-authored "Swarm Essentials", published by Wicwas Press in 2014. Stephen can be found teaching beekeeping classes and workshops in the Pittsburgh area and presenting lectures on a variety of beekeeping topics at local clubs and many regional and national conferences around the United States
Fun Fact - In his previous life he was a wildlife biologist and spent 3 months on a 10 acre island off the coast of Maine studying sea birds!
FUN FACT: I am a lifelong musician.
This webinar presents MCBA's meeting (7pm) directly on your computer. To 'attend' requires just three clicks:
- 10 minutes before the meeting starts, click the ZOOM LINK listed above
- When your computer asks, click "open"
- When your computer asks, click "join with computer audio"
You can join using a computer, phone or tablet, but to use a phone or tablet you must first download and install the free Zoom MEETING app from the app store, or by clicking HERE.
Connecting to ZOOM before the meeting starts will give you time to work through potential glitches.
To ASK General Beekeeping questions for the 7:00 PM to 7:30 Q&A you have two options: a) submit them in advance by typing them in the 'Comments" section at the bottom of this page, or TYPE them into the Q&A chat dialog during our Q&A session.
To ASK the Guest Speaker QUESTIONS during the meeting, TYPE them into the chat dialog during her talk. A club volunteer will monitor questions, then read them aloud so everyone can hear. Please don't 'unmute' your microphone during the meeting.