AGENDA: | SEASONAL BEEKEEPING Q&A (Scroll down to see how to submit questions) Seeing something odd in your hive? Something you don’t understand or can’t identify? This is the place to ask and share. | | GUEST SPEAKER |
The Native Bee and Plant Vortex*
GUEST SPEAKER TOPIC: The Native Bee and Plant Vortex
DAY: Wednesday, Sept 09, 2020
TIME: 7:00pm - 9:00pm (link will work starting a 15-minutes early so you can set up your computer or phone)
WHY: Participate to learn...
- There are a heck of a lot of different kinds of bees out there
- Individual actions by even the smallest landowner can make a difference
- Lawns are monuments that glorify the past destruction of Nature and should be removed.
WHERE: Online ONLY. Use the Zoom Link Below
By now everyone knows there are around 450 different kinds of native bee species in Maryland. As we make new discoveries and learn more and more about how these bees make their living in Maryland it has also become more and more clear how deliciously complex the plant-and-bee evolutionary dance is. Using new photographs and stories, we will talk about that dance and illuminate how our man made environment can support or not support these bees ....and new ideas for how to get replace lawns with positive beescapes.
* Why "VORTEX"? - the vortex is the swirling relationships between native plants and native bees each shifting to accommodate the other, ever changing so that that over evolutionary time they modify each other until we get the complexities and diversity we have today.

SAM DROEGE grew up in Hyattsville, Maryland, received an undergraduate degree at the University of Maryland and a Master’s at the State University of New York – Syracuse. Most of his career has been spent at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. He has coordinated the North American Breeding Bird Survey Program, developed the North American Amphibian Monitoring Program, the Bioblitz, Cricket Crawl, and FrogwatchUSA programs and works on the design and evaluation of monitoring programs. Currently his team is running an inventory and monitoring program for native bees, developing tools and techniques manuals, along with online identification guides for North American bees at, reviving the North American Bird Phenology Program, and producing public domain hi-resolution photographs of bees, insects, and flowers. @USGSBIML
Click HERE to see Sam's AMAZING PHOTOS
This webinar presents MCBA's meeting (7pm) directly on your computer. To 'attend' requires just three clicks:
- 10 minutes before the meeting starts, click the ZOOM LINK listed above
- When your computer asks, click "open"
- When your computer asks, click "join with computer audio"
You can join using a computer, phone or tablet, but to use a phone or tablet you must first download and install the free Zoom MEETING app from the app store, or by clicking HERE.
Connecting to ZOOM before the meeting starts will give you time to work through potential glitches.
To ASK General Beekeeping questions for the 7:00 PM to 7:30 Q&A you have two options: a) submit them in advance by typing them in the 'Comments" section at the bottom of this page, or TYPE them into the Q&A chat dialog during our Q&A session.
To ASK the Guest Speaker QUESTIONS during the meeting, TYPE them into the chat dialog during her talk. A club volunteer will monitor questions, then read them aloud so everyone can hear. Please don't 'unmute' your microphone during the meeting.
What a great presentation! Fabulous pictures and Sam has so much information about pollinators at his fingertips. Thanks for inviting him to speak. Maureen