3 Experts = 3 Approaches to Beekeeping
Expert Panel Answers Your Questions
PANELISTS: Jason Hough, Tim McMahon, Mark Dykes
DAY: Wednesday, April 14, 2021
TIME: 7:00pm - 9:00pm (join early to set up your device)
WHERE: Online ONLY. Use THIS ZOOM LINK to participate
Why do experts give conflicting answers to the same beekeeping questions? Usually it's because there is more than one right answer! Colony management requires different solutions depending on your goals and philosophies.
MCBA has invited 3 successful, local beekeeping experts to answer your questions on managing bees from early to mid-season. Each panelist brings a different perspective, shaped by their extensive experiences and training. So send your questions in advance, and be ready with pen and paper for insightful answers.
Submit questions before Wed, 3/31/21

Jason Hough is the owner of Woodcamp Farm in Damascus, MD. Jason is a small-scale/sideline commercial beekeeper and has been keeping bees since he was 15 years old. He and his family also operate a working farm with a variety of livestock. He sells packages and NUCs and his locally raised queens from breeder stock purchased from Dr. Latshaw. To learn more about Woodcamp Farm, visit woodcampfarm.com

Tim McMahon is a certified EAS Master Beekeeper and keeps bees as a hobby/passion. During the day, he works at the Patent and Trademark Office, and coaches a Cross Country team. Tim also enjoys doing side projects with native bees.

Mark Dykes works at the UMD Bee Lab and as an extension specialist through UMD Bee Squad. Mark performs a variety of management types. He provides beekeeping services for private and commercial clients using scientifically proven methods. He also manages the UMD Bee Lab colonies for research projects. Mark's former positions include being apiary manager for Dr. Ellis's lab at University of FL, and Chief Texas State Apiary Inspector. To learn more about UMD Bee Squad, visit umdbeesquad.com