Varroa Population Growth and Integrated Pest Management
Kelly will discuss research she performed to assess seasonal Varroa population growth changes and Varroa treatment efficacy. She will also talk about responsible Varroa management, including IPM approaches.

DAY: Wednesday, September 8, 2021 (2nd Wednesday of every month)
WHERE: Click here to view recording
PARTICIPATE TO LEARN: A multi-pronged approach to keeping colonies healthy
AGENDA: | SEASONAL BEEKEEPING Q&A Seeing something you don’t understand or can’t identify in your hive? This is the place to ask and share. | | Kelly Kulhanek |

Kelly Kulhanek completed her doctorate studying honey bee health and management practices in the vanEngelsdorp Bee lab at University of Maryland in the spring of 2020. Her doctoral work focused on identifying beekeeping management practices to improve colony health and survival. She also addressed obstacles to best management, including Varroa treatment effectiveness and transmission of mites between apiaries. As a post doctoral researcher at WSU, she is working on refining best practices for commercial beekeepers, focusing on indoor storage of colonies and new methods for Varroa control.
FUN FACT: I got married on the Fourth of July on a 30 mile backpacking trip!