MCBA Members! Come celebrate Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth’s 213th birthday (and other seasonal holidays!) in lieu of our December monthly meeting.
We'll have a POT LUCK DINNER and an optional GIFT EXCHANGE.
You must be logged in to see the party Time & Place
Date: **/**/2022 * **** **** *** ***** * * * * * * **
Time: ***** **** **** *** ***** * * * * * * **
Place: *** * * * *, ********* ***** *** *,
Please, Please, Please RSVP by December 1st so we know how many soft drinks, turkey, and ham to provide. Scroll down to see RSVP form (must be logged in)
Gift Swap!
If you would like to participate in the gift swap, bring a wrapped item (approximate value of $20) to add to the fun. Your guests are also welcome to bring a gift and participate. Everyone who brings a wrapped gift will go home with a present brought by someone else.
The Club will provide tableware, plates, cups, soft drinks, ham and turkey.
Guests are asked to bring one of the following items – enough for 8 to 10 people.
If your last name begins with letters
A thru M, please bring a dessert
N thru S bring a appetizer
T thru Z bring sidedish
This is a BYOB event. Meads and wines may be sampled and shared. If you drink, please drink responsibly.
The owners of the venue are lending us this space because they know that beekeepers are tidy. Please be a good guest and leave no mess.We are all guests at this venue.
Before and After the Party: The RSVP form offers a chance for you to volunteer to help set-up between 5pm and 6pm, and to help clean-up between 8pm and 9pm.
Questions? Leon Vadenberg l.vandenberg@verizon.net
NEW EVENT! Bee Tales!
Grab the mic and the stage is yours - for 3 minutes!
Do you have an awesome, awful, hysterical, embarrassing, uplifting, or otherwise "worth-telling" beekeeping story?Come ready to share it!. We'll have a prize for the story that gets the most applause.
(Keep it to 3 minutes or get the hook!)
When you are logged in, the RSVP form will be displayed here.
You MUST RSVP to attend.