DAY: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 (2nd Wednesday of every month)
TIME: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
WHERE: IN-PERSON at Brookside Nature Center 1400 Glenallan Ave, Wheaton, MD AND Virtual Meeting via ZOOM. Click the button below when it is time to attend:
LEARN - Who Won MCBA's Honey Tasting Contest
VOTE - Hear the election results for the MCBA Board
SEE - Who Surpassed 100+ Volunteer Hours
HEAR - The Outcome of the 2022 Sentinel Apiary Program | Deliver your honey tasting entry! Member Meet-up! Meet new friends and have a good time. | | Eric Malcolm - MCBA President Announcements Meegan Kelly - Results of MCBA 2022 Board of Directors Elections |
7:25 pm.ET | Honey Judging | | Maureen Jais-Mick - MCBA 2021 Volunteer Recognition Awards | ET | Eric Malcolm - Sentinel Apiary Program | ET | Jim Frasier - Honey Tasting Awards |

MCBA will announce the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners for MCBA's annual Honey Tasting Contest. Information on how to enter will be posted on the FORUM.
BEST IN CLUB CONTEST– How does your honey stack up against your fellow club members' honey? Bring 8oz of your honey in a squeeze bottle to enter the contest. If you win, you will have bragging rights for Best In Club honey for the next 12 months! Plus your name will engraved on our perpetual trophy.

honey in a squeeze bottle.
- Any current member may submit their own honey to be judged for taste (to check your membership status, simply log-in to the website). If you cannot attend in-person, you may send your entry with a friend.
- Bring a squeeze bottle of honey, 8-ounces will be enough. Jars should be unlabeled (for anonymity).
- Submit your bottle before 7:10 PM at the table marked 'Honey Entries Here" in back of the meeting room. Jim Frasier or his helpers will assign your bottle a number.
- Each attending member is invited to judge!
- BRING a metal spoon for sampling & a reusable water bottle to reset your tastebuds. (We will have disposable spoons and water bottles, but MCBA encourages you to bee eco-friendly.)
- Each member who wants to judge will receive 2 poker chips
- After tasting all the entries, members vote on their favorite 2 honeys by placing their poker chips in the corresponding boxes.
- The honey earning the most chips wins BEST IN CLUB! The honey’s beekeeper gets their name engraved on our amazing trophy, and bragging rights for a lifetime!

Board of Directors ELECTION RESULTS:
All MCBA members in good standing will receive ballots via email toward the end of October. Please carefully read the ballots' instructions carefully so you do not miss the deadline to vote, which will be in advance of the November 9th meeting. All results will be announced at the meeting. Good luck candidates!

MCBA is is organized and operated entirely by volunteers. Annual classes, extensive community outreach, honey contests, our website, our Forum, honey sales, monthly educational meetings, in-person apiary mentoring, fundraising for bee causes, member services, and more are all provided by volunteers.
Every November, we recognize the latest volunteers to exceed 100 hours of service. They receive our gratitude and a special MCBA lapel pin.
- You can see areas where MCBA needs your help HERE.
- Previously recognized volunteers are listed HERE.

"Sentinel Apiary Program" presentation by ERIC MALCOLM
The Sentinel Apiary Program was started by Bee Informed Partnership as a citizen science program. Part education, part data collection; Sentinel aims to gather data from the same colonies throughout the year, informing scientists and researchers of important trends and reason for colony loss.
MCBA provides a partial sponsorship for a limited number of MCBA member-participants to lower the cost barrier so our members can participate in this important program. This also helps us understand what trends in our specific region. We hope additional MCBA members can participate.
This short presentation will explain the Sentinel Apiary Program, and what we're learning from the 3 MCBA member's Sentinel hives: Varroa seasonal trends, Nosema ceranae loads, and more. We'll talk about what those data tell us and how different management activities can help reduce your losses.
Take Aways:
1. Understanding the Sentinel Apiary Program.
2. How you can participate (at a discount!)
3. Specific management guidance based on this hyper local data
Eric Malcolm's Bio:
Eric started his adventures in beekeeping in 2017. Now he owns and operates Backyard Apiaries LLC, an apiary management service that focuses on keeping healthy bees for non-beekeepers. Eric works at the UMD Bee Lab, UMD Bee Squad helping to expand the program, at Bee Informed Partnership, where he coordinates Fundraising, Outreach and Communications, and on developmental projects. Eric is currently MCBA's vice president.
Fun Fact: I have played piano since I was 8 years old. I sing, play a number of wind instruments, and taught myself how to play the ukulele during COVID.
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Zoom Details
To dial in from a voice-only phone line:
Phone #: 1-301-715 -8592
Meeting ID: 879 8909 4834
Passcode: 873046
One tap mobile (paste entire string into your phone's send field) +13017158592,,87989094834#,,,,*873046#
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Need HELP with Zoom? CLICK HERE to reach out to Mike Hurst, MCBA's zoom troubleshooter.