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DAY: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 (2nd Wednesday of every month)
TIME: 6:30pm - 9pm
WHERE: BOTH In-Person and via ZOOM. (HYBRID)
In Person Location: Agricultural History Farm Park Activity Center, 18400 Muncaster Road, Derwood MD 20855. (IF you plan to attend in person, please RSVP by clicking HERE. We've got refreshments to plan and chairs to set up so we're ready for you! )
LEARN - Diseases: what our bees have, what they are going to get, and what's being done about it
WHO - Dr. Jay Evans, USGS Agricultural Research Service
ADD TO YOUR CALENDAR: Google Calendar Outlook Calendar (.ics) Yahoo Calendar | Structured chat. Meet someone new! Learn something new! | | Leon Vandenberg, MCBA President: Club Announcements |
7:15 pm ET | 2024 Eastern Apicultural Society Conference in Maryland - news by Clyde Strang |
7:30 pm.ET | GUEST SPEAKER |
Dr. Jay Evans will speak on "Reducing Disease Impacts in Honey Bee Colonies." He will give a quick overview of bee diseases that may be familiar to some MCBA members, and then will discuss current diagnostics and discoveries of new pathogens.
- Bee Diseases You Should Know
- Bee Diseases Coming Your Way
- New Diagnostic Tools
- How Scientists May Find the Answers
Dr. Jay Evans is a Research Scientist for the USDA Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, MD. The BRL is focused on the development of management strategies to help honey bees thrive in the face of disease, chemical stress, and inadequate forage. His current projects involve honey bee immunity, interactions among stress factors, and the development of novel, safe, controls for mites and viruses. Jay received his AB in Biology from Princeton University and his PhD in Biology from the University of Utah.
Learn More about Dr. Jay Evans:
Jay Evans: Searching for Answers to the Decline in Honeybees - The Washington Post

In-Person Details
Zoom Details
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Phone #: 1-301-715 -8592
Meeting ID: 879 8909 4834
Passcode: 873046
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