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DAY: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 (2nd Wednesday of every month)
TIME: 6:30pm - 9pm
WHERE: Exclusively via ZOOM.
LEARN - University of Minnesota Bee Lab's progress in eliminating mite treatments
WHO - Dr. Marla Spivak
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7:30 pm.ET | GUEST SPEAKER |

Dr. Marla Spivak is a MacArthur Fellow and McKnight Distinguished Professor in Entomology at the University of Minnesota. She obtained her Ph.D. in Entomology at the University of Kansas 1989 on the ecology and identification of Africanized honey bees in Costa Rica. Her current research efforts focus on protecting and enhancing the health of bees through social immunity and bee breeding.
Resisting Varroa Mites: A Way Forward
At the University of Minnesota, we have been evaluating and selecting colonies that can survive without Varroa treatment. This summer, 2022, we took inspiration from a migratory beekeeping operation of 8,000 colonies whose owners have worked out a feasible and economical method to select for Varroa resistance. Combining ideas from both programs, I will present ideas on how to reduce, or eventually eliminate, mite treatments for larger-scale beekeepers, or local beekeeping groups, that raise their own queen bees.
Check out the University of Minnesota's Bee Lab: CLICK HERE

Zoom Details
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