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DAY: Wednesday, March 8, 2023 (2nd Wednesday of every month)
TIME: 6:30pm - 9pm
WHERE: Exclusively via ZOOM.
LEARN - The importance of place, power, and purpose in pollinator conservation
WHO - Melanie Kirby
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LOOK! You can review Melanie's slide show, and a few extra videos not presented -- CLICK HERE
You can also check out images if you search instagram for: @ziaqueenbees @nectarnomad @adaptivebeebreedersalliance | Structured chat, co-hosted by Don Van Ryk and Maureen Jais-Mick. Meet someone new! Learn something new! | | Leon Vandenberg, MCBA President: Club Announcements |
7:30 pm.ET | GUEST SPEAKER |
Melanie Kirby will discuss how preserving landscapes and biodiversity affects both our bees, and our own sense of wellbeing. She weaves science and her unique life experiences into a captivating story of meaningful conservation.
How are habitat, forage,and stewardship connected to pollinator friendly landscapes?
Melanie Kirby will bring it all into focus as she explains:
- the effects of climate change on the seasonal cycle
- how the seasonal cycle connects to bee nutrition and health
- how bee nutrition and health can influence how you manage your colonies
- How to better interpret climate.
- How climate affects behavior in honey bees and beekeepers (both are dynamic, not static)
- How we can better steward bees in our environment
- How epigenetics (environmental effects on genes) will impact your beekeeping
- Practical ideas to create apiaries and backyards that support native bees
- How our apiaries are linked to the ecosystem and other pollinator species
MELANIE KIRBY is an Interdisciplinarian integrating apiculture, agroecology, and communication to support the industry as a queen breeder, consilience researcher, and writer. She participates in several national and international organizations including the American Association of Professional Apiculturists, COLOSS, the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, National Young Farmers Coalition, Slow Bees. Melanie serves on the boards of the NM Beekeepers Association as acting President, on the Western Apiculturist Society of North America as Vice President, and as State Delegate Board Representative for the American Beekeeping Federation. Melanie also participates on several national and tribal pollinator working groups. She is the founder of the Adaptive Bee Breeders Alliance which connects developing professional bee breeders with scientists for collaborative field research. Melanie has been keeping bees professionally for 26 years and is grateful the bees have guided her around the globe from South America to the South Pacific, to the Caribbean, Central and North Americas, Europe, North Africa, and the Mediterranean. Melanie is a Fulbright- National Geographic Explorer & Fellow among other fellowships, and holds a MSc. in Entomology from Washington State University. Melanie collaborates across cultures and landscapes promoting whole system approaches to pollinator conservation with diverse communities and organizations locally and internationally. She also serves as the Extension Educator for the Institute of American Indian Arts integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) with western sustainable agriculture science.

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