DAY: Wednesday, July 12th, 2023 (2nd Wednesday of every month)
TIME: 6:30pm - 9pm
LEARN - How to become a successful Sideliner
WHO - KAMON REYNOLDS, co-founder Hive Life
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7:00 pm.ET | GUEST SPEAKER |
How to become a successful Sideliner: Kamon Reynolds shares his secrets to becoming a successful sideline beekeeper.
HINT: Don't scramble to write down webpages Kamon mentions. They'll be here:
- (coming soon)
- What exactly IS a slideliner?
- What has to change about your beekeeping style?
- How can you turn a profit with stinging insects?
- What are the Tips and Traps of investing more time and more money into your hobby?
KAMON REYNOLDS is the co-founder of one of North America’s largest bee conferences, Hive Life , is the founder of Tennessee's Bees and has been keeping bees in North Central Tennessee for 20 years. Kamon keeps 300+ hives with his wife Laurel. Kamon and Laurel also have filmed hundreds of educational videos to help new and veteran beekeepers around the world keep their bees successfully. Though Kamon does 99% of the talking, Laurel has been Beekeeping for 16 years and is an invaluable part of their Business Tennessee’s Bees LLC. Tennessee’s Bees specializes in quality Bee Genetics, Pure Tennessee Honey, and Honeybee Education. Their videos can be found at Kamon currently has 50,000+ beekeepers that follow him on Youtube.

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