Frank Linton
Anne Fraser
Toni Burnham
BONUS: Before the meeting, we will have a PLANT SWAP. Bring a plant - Leave with a different plant!
DAY: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 (2nd Wednesday of every month)
TIME: 6:00pm - 9pm
WHERE: BOTH In-Person and via ZOOM. (HYBRID)
In-Person Location: Brookside Nature Center, 1400 Glenallan Avenue, Wheaton MD 20902.
(IF you plan to attend in person, please RSVP by clicking HERE.)
LEARN - Answers to YOUR questions
WHO - Expert Beekeepers Frank Linton, Anne Fraser, and Toni Burnham
ADD TO YOUR CALENDAR: Google Calendar Outlook Calendar (.ics) Yahoo Calendar
6:00.pm.ET | PLANT SWAP - Put out your plants/seeds/garden items |
6:30.pm.ET | PLANT SWAP - People who brought items can take the same number of items |
7:00.pm ET | PLANT SWAP - Anyone can purchase items with a $5 donation to the BIG fund (cash only) |
7:15 pm.ET | MCBA Announcements |
7:30.pm.ET | 3 Experts answer your questions! You can SUBMIT QUESTIONS in advance at the bottom of this page. |
Panel Q&A
ASK OUR PANELISTS your most pressing bee-questions...
You may get 3 different answers that are ALL CORRECT
You can SUBMIT QUESTIONS in advance at the bottom of this page.

Plant Swap
SCHEDULE: See above
- Pollinator-friendly flowering plants from your garden. Hint: Marie Rojas, Phil Frank, and Dara Ballow-Giffen created a chart "Plants for Bees". Find it under the 'Learn' tab at the top of every webpage.
- Seeds for bee friendly Flowers or vegetables
- Any cleaned pots or other cleaned garden equipment you may not need, and can swap for something you do need.
Please CLEARLY identify each plant or seed packet you are sharing so that everyone understands what species it is.
- Please do NOT bring any invasive plants that are on this list: https://mda.maryland.gov/plants-pests/Documents/Invasive-Plant-List-March-2020.pdf
- Please do not bring any “passalong plants” that do not support pollinators, like those orange roadside daylilies or that variegated hosta that runs all over the garden!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Marie Rojas at hortlady@aol.com or 301-502-9614.
Frank Linton
Frank started keeping bees in 2005, and, with help, currently has a few colonies near Washington DC. He is an EAS-certified master beekeeper. He runs three bee-related websites and has hosted a series of Colony Monitoring Technology workshops. He writes articles for Bee Culture and the American Bee Journal, and he speaks at local, regional, and international bee conferences. Frank is the author of The Observation Hive Handbook: Studying Honey Bees at Home, and co-author of Hive Tour: The Insider’s Guide to Honey Bees.

Toni Burnham
Toni is the past president and founder of the DC Beekeepers Alliance, past president of Maryland State Beekeepers Association (and current secretary), sometime writer for Bee Culture. Have kept bees since 2005, when I took my beginners course with MCBA: a community to which I will always be grateful!

Ann Fraser
Anne is an EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, retired lawyer, and proud native of Washington DC. Anne runs between 20 and 50 hives on a 200 year old farm in Shenandoah County, Virginia and occasionally sells nucs, honey and hive products. She is the EAS Director for Virginia and teaches classes in Shenandoah and Fairfax counties through the Virginia Beekeeping Teaching Consortium. When she is not fiddling with bees, art or farming, she is hanging out with her husband Bill Newman, a professional artist, her 35 year old parrot Spy, and dog and cat Moose and Smokey Jack.

Going In-Person? Please RSVP
Zoom Details
To dial in from a voice-only phone line:
Phone #: 1-301-715 -8592
Meeting ID: 879 8909 4834
Passcode: 873046
One tap mobile (paste entire string into your phone's send field) +13017158592,,87989094834#,,,,*873046#
To access the meeting via computer or smartphone:
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87989094834?pwd=MmFJYUVEbHRaRkI3b2R4QnJaNDhNQT09
Need HELP with Zoom? CLICK HERE to reach out to Mike Hurst, MCBA's zoom troubleshooter.