Leon Vandenberg
Jim Fraser
Steve McVeigh
DAY: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 (2nd Wednesday of every month)
TIME: 7:00 pm
WHERE: BOTH In-Person and via ZOOM. (HYBRID)
In-Person Location: Agricultural History Farm Park, 18400 Muncaster Road, Derwood, MD 20855.
LEARN - Answering YOUR questions on winter beekeeping
WHO - MCBA Panelists: Leon Vandenberg, Steve McVeigh, and Jim Fraser; MCBA Moderator: Carlee Williams
ADD TO YOUR CALENDAR: Google Calendar Outlook Calendar (.ics) Yahoo Calendar
6:30.pm.ET | In person socializing |
7:00.pm ET | Club Announcements & Updates |
7:15.pm ET | 3 Experts answer your questions on winter beekeeping! |
Panel Q&A
ASK OUR PANELISTS your most pressing bee-questions about winter beekeeping...
You may get 3 different answers that are ALL CORRECT
Leon Vandenberg
I took the MCBA short course in 2011 and since then my adventure into beekeeping to say the least has been interesting. Currently I have over 100 hives and I wholesale honey to a few markets and in the spring have been selling nucs. I have been on the board pretty much continually since maybe 2013 and am a past president of this organization. When I found out that both the president and vice president would be stepping down, I felt that maybe I should run for president once more as I have a number of years in experience on board and we really need some continuity in the leadership

Jim Fraser
Jim Fraser is the owner of the Maryland Honey Company and is a third generation beekeeper who learned beekeeping from his father at a young age. Jim and his son, Andrew, manage around 150 colonies of honey bees and provide pollination services for local orchards and farms.
As an Eastern Apiculture Society Certified Master Beekeeper since 2014. Jim believes that education is key to successful beekeeping. Speaking to beekeeping classes, beekeeping clubs, civic groups, and customers at his shop allows him to share his knowledge about beekeeping.
Jim is also a Certified Honey Show judge and a former President of the Maryland State Beekeepers Association.

Steve McVeigh
9th year beek. I manage up to 30 of my own colonies + 30 at a local orchard.
I became interested in beekeeping after years of hearing about the plight of honey bees due to colony collapse disorder. My best friend started talking about his interest in beekeeping and mentioned MCBA's beginning beekeeping class. It sounded interesting so we enrolled. The very first class presentation called out the nuance of "keeping" vs "having" bees. I was determined to keep my bees alive. I ordered honey bees, and while I waited for them to arrive I put a bait have in my front yard. Several days later a swarm moved in - my first colony - I was hooked! My hobby has expanded into a sideline business selling honey, pollen, wax, bees, providing commercial pollination services, hive consulting, and offer concierge beekeeping for non-beekeepers.
Beekeeping increased my knowledge about the local flora, climate, weather, native pollinators, and introduced me to some of the finest people I've ever met.

Zoom Details
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Phone #: 1-301-715 -8592
Meeting ID: 879 8909 4834
Passcode: 873046
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Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87989094834?pwd=MmFJYUVEbHRaRkI3b2R4QnJaNDhNQT09
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