DAY: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 (2nd Wednesday of every month)
TIME: 7:00 pm
LEARN - Answering YOUR questions on winter beekeeping
- David Schultz - "Honey bee Hive Infrared Thermography"
- Parks Talley - "Using a Snelgrove board to negate swarming without compromising your honey crops . . .and making a nuc with your old queen."

SPECIAL FREE OFFER!.... Parks Talley has provided his amazing spreadsheet that lists each of the many steps needed to use the Snelgrove board AND it calculates the exact dates you need to do those steps, based on the day you start. When you are logged in, a download button will appear above the video so you can give it a try!
You are not logged in. Please login to view the RECORDING and to see the spreadsheet DOWNLOAD button. Thanks!
SCHEDULE | Virtual Socializing | ET | Club Announcements & Updates | ET | Parks Talley - Snelgrove board (double screen) |
8:00 pm ET | David Schultz - Thermography |
"Honey Bee Hive Infrared Thermography"
David Schultz will show how infrared cameras reveal details of our hives that we otherwise cannot see.... how the sun impacts honey bee hives and the bees inside. and how we are unintentionally stressing our colonies. He will also present tips and techniques to help you use an IR camera in your own apiary. (Members can borrow the club camera for free)
"Using a Snelgrove Board"
Parks Talley, "Using a Snelgrove board to negate swarming without compromising your honey crops . . .and making a nuc with your old queen."
What will you learn:
* When and how to set up a Snelgrove Hive and what you’ll need
* How to monitor the progress of your Snelgrove hive
* Deconstructing a Snelgrove hive yielding a very strong honey production hive with a young queen and an Nuc with an overwintered Queen for sustainability or sale.

David S. Schultz EAS Certified Master Beekeeper: In 2014 David took two beginner beekeeping courses and began keeping bees that same year. In 2015 he joined a Continuing Education Outyard Beekeeping Group that met weekly and met his beekeeping mentor Philip Krista the teacher of the group. In 2016 David had 2 apiaries and 9 colonies and began to assist Philip teach the Con Ed group weekly with a student following of 15-20. In 2017 he began to give presentations on Bee Hive Infrared Thermography, Performing Splits, and Woodworking for Beekeepers. David also began rearing queens for sale, sold a few nucleus colonies, and became a director of Howard County Beekeepers Association (HCBA). In 2018 David became the VP for HCBA and in 2019 became a candidate and began his exams for the EAS Master Beekeeper program. In 2019 and 2020 he kept 20+ colonies in 5 yards, reared and sold queens and nucs and continued with the weekly Con Ed class now over 80 participants strong. In 2019 David co-founded the Master Beekeeping Study Group with Michael Halbig, another EAS Master Beekeeper candidate, with 6 candidates of the group achieving their EAS Master Beekeeper Certificates and over a dozen poised to receive their certificates in the next few years. In 2020 the Con Ed class went virtual and David started a Journeyman Beekeeper Training Course for select advance beekeepers from the state of Maryland. After serving as HCBA President for 2 years, he is currently the past President of HCBA and a current Director for the Maryland State Beekeepers Association (MSBA). In 2021 David was awarded the George W. Imirie award for Excellence in Beekeeping Education by the Maryland State Beekeepers Association. In the spring of 2022 he became an apiary inspector for the Maryland Department of Agriculture. David became an EAS Certified Master Beekeeper in the summer of 2022.

Parks Talley: Took my beginners beekeepers course in 2012 from Montgomery Beekeepers Association. Started with two overwintered Nuc’s in the Spring of 2012 and by fall I had four 8-frame hives. In December 2012 all 4 hives died from a 10% Varroa infestation (per Beltsville Bee Lab).
In January 2013, I met Master Beekeeper Billy Davis at The Sustainable Honeybee Program, Inc. (SHP) in Purcellville, VA and realized that here was a beekeeper who had forgotten more than I would ever know about beekeeping. I volunteered at SHP every Monday, 52 weeks per year from 2013 until Billy’s death in July 2018.
From 2018 until today, I have continued to help run SHP ( ) with the mission of passing on what we learned about keeping bees from Billy Davis, to our volunteers. We are at our new base of operations west of Hillsboro, VA (just west of Purcellville) every Monday of the year. We invite you to join us anytime you can.