DAY: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 (2nd Wednesday of every month)
TIME: 7:00 pm
.. Agricultural History Farm Park
.. 18400 Muncaster Rd, Derwood, MD 20855. (Click here for additional location info)
LEARN - Apitherapy - So Much More Than Just Bee Stings!
SPEAKER: Elaine Storm
SCHEDULE | New Member Welcome Reception & In-Person Socializing | ET | Club Announcements & Updates | ET | Presentations by Elaine Storm |
Discover products from the hive with healing benefits! Get recipes and a hands-on session to make a healing ointment to take home.
- Learn the benefits of Propolis, Pollen, Royal Jelly, Honey and more
- Gain some insight on how you as a beekeeper, can help your friends and family heal in multiple ways
- Use some of the recipes included in the presentation to make some healing products for yourselves

As a former part-time school teacher, I have a passion for learning and for teaching. We have a smlll farm and although none of our 7 grandchildren have yet been interested in working the honeybee hives, they do love petting all the other animals we’ve got.
My husband and I have been working bees for about 15 years. Although my husband is the main beekeeper, I do help work the hives, have attended beekeeping courses and have the hands-on experience. Two years ago, I attended the Eastern Apicultural Society’s Bee Conference, where I began my Apitherapy journey. Since then, I have attended more Apitherapy conferences and have become passionate about how all the products from the hive can benefit us in health and healing ways. From pollen, honey, and propolis to royal jelly and drone brood homogenate – the bees can help keep not only their own hives healthy but share their products with us so we might also gain some health benefits.
From making tinctures, to bee sting therapy, to collecting recipes for healing, I’m passionate about it all! My goal is to learn enough about Apitherapy to help relieve pain that people may be suffering from and to do that in an easy, natural way.
As a beekeeping community, we are able to have multiple medicine cabinets in our own backyards!
Propolis Tincture, Honey Digestive, Honey Wound Care Ointment