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DAY: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 (2nd Wednesday of every month)
TIME: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
WHERE: IN-PERSON ONLY at the Agricultural History Farm Park, 18400 Muncaster Road, Derwood MD 20855 (Click for more info on the meeting location)
Agenda | Socializing and reception of honey for the Honey Tasting Contest | | Business meeting, including election results and volunteer recognition |
7:30 pm.ET | Honey Tasting Contest |
Annual Business Meeting (required by the Bylaws)
- President's and Treasurer's reports
- Election Results and Introduction of New Board Members
- Round of Applause (maybe two rounds) for Outgoing Board Members
- "Pinning" of MCBA Members who have reached 100 volunteer hours
Honey Tasting Contest
The Honey Tasting Contest is different than the Honey Show at the County Fair in that it allows attendees to vote on the TASTE of a honey, not its appearance. Jim Fraser will again coordinate the contest. MCBA members are encouraged to submit 8 oz. of their BEST TASTING honey. Jim will make the honey anonymous in appearance, so the tasting will be blind. At the end of the evening, the winner and runner up will be announced. Winners will have their name engraved on the perpetual trophy and receive an individual trophy. Runners up receiving the coveted Beekeeper Parking Only sign.
- Any current member may submit their own honey to be judged for taste (to check your membership status, simply log-in to the website). If you cannot attend in-person, you may send your entry with a friend.
- Bring a squeeze bottle of honey, 8-ounces will be enough. Jars should be unlabeled (for anonymity).
- Submit your bottle before 7:10 PM at the table marked 'Honey Entries Here" in back of the meeting room. Jim Frasier or his helpers will assign your bottle a number.
- Each attending member is invited to judge!
- BRING a metal spoon for sampling & a reusable water bottle to reset your tastebuds. We will have disposable spoons and there is a drinking fountain, but MCBA encourages you to bee eco-friendly.
- Each member who wants to judge will receive 2 poker chips
- After tasting all the entries, members vote on their favorite 2 honeys by placing their poker chips in the corresponding boxes.
- The honey earning the most chips wins BEST IN CLUB! The honey’s beekeeper gets their name engraved on our amazing trophy, and bragging rights for a lifetime!

MCBA is is organized and operated entirely by volunteers. Annual classes, extensive community outreach, honey contests, our website, our Forum, honey sales, monthly educational meetings, in-person apiary mentoring, fundraising for bee causes, member services, and more are all provided by volunteers.
Every November, we recognize the latest volunteers to exceed 100 hours of service. They receive our gratitude and a special MCBA lapel pin.
- You can see areas where MCBA needs your help HERE.
- Previously recognized volunteers are listed HERE.

Volunteer CLASS OF 2024
2024 MCBA President Kimberly Pfirrmann-Powell, center, presents volunteer recognition pins to John Mahaffie (L) and Don English (R)
John staffed our areas at the Fair, served as MCBA Secretary, coordinated the EAS scholarships for Club members, and co-hosted “Bees After Hours". Don English has faithfully volunteered at the Fair and has been a virtual mentor for new beekeepers.
- John Mahaffie
- Don English