DAY: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 (2nd Wednesday of every month)
TIME: 7:00 pm - socializing begins at 6:30 pm
TYPE: Zoom
LEARN - Swarm Recognition, Preparation / Prevention / Intervention and Solutions
WHO: Beekeeper John Benham
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SCHEDULE | Virtual Socializing | | ET | Club announcements and B.I.G. report from Sam Droege | |
7:30 pm ET | Presentation by John Benham, "Swarm Recognition, Preparation / Prevention / Intervention and Solutions" |
MCBA's 2024 Bee Impact Grant (B.I.G) beneficiary was Sam Droege's project on bees and their favorite local flora. Sam will report on how the funds will be used in the coming months
Beekeeper John Benham will talk about Swarm Recognition, Preparation/Prevention/Intervention and Solutions - Promoting an understanding of how wintering colonies prepare for the most intense and focused part of their life in survival of the species, staying ahead of this buildup and options for prevention.
John Benhan has been a beekeeper for 25 years, single handedly managing around 40 colonies annually. He has been a breeder of quality local queens and bees for over 20 years using locally trapped stock. He is an Eastern Apiculture Society Certified Master Beekeeper, Life Member of EAS, 2019 President of HAS and a frequent speaker at their conferences as well as EAS. He has been the President of the Mammoth Cave Ares Beekeepers from 2017 to present, past member President/officer of four local associations since 2004 and a life member and advisor of the Kentucky Queen Bee Breeders Association. He shares his knowledge and love for the bees as a mentor, speaker, instructor, volunteer, and organizer at state, local, regional, and national associations. He writes a monthly column for the Nashville, TN. Area Beekeepers and continuously strives to advance his beekeeping skills and knowledge. He advocates various queen-rearing methods by organizing and teaching at Spring schools in several sates urging beekeepers to promote and establish individual, self-sustaining local apiaries.