Pussy Willow, Goat Willow – Salix caprea
- Large shrub/small tree, 10-20’ tall and wide.
- Blooms in March.
- 2 star nectar, 4 star pollen source for honey bees.
- Bumble, mining and sweat bees; wasps, syrphid and tachinid flies also visit the flowers.
- Sun to part shade; likes moist to wet areas, but will tolerate drier soils.
- Very adaptable; often requires vigorous pruning to keep in check.
- They are separate male and female plants; select a male for abundant, nutritious yellow pollen, both male and female plants produce nectar.
Of this plant, Peter Lindtner states, “If I had a place for only one small tree in my garden, I would plant this one. It is a pleasure to watch bees collecting pollen and packing it into pellets, happily buzzing from one flower to another.”