WHAT: Live Mentoring - Mite Test and Hive Inspection
WHEN: Saturday, May 2, 2020 – starting at 11:00 am
WHERE: Click HERE to join via Zoom Webinar (don't leave home!)
DESCRIPTION: Members – especially new beekeepers – are invited to participate live, ONLINE, for a visit to the apiary. We will be examining one hive and also demonstrating how to take a ½ cup of bees for a varroa mite test.
HOW CAN IT BE LIVE?: MCBA is taking smartphones into our beeyard to create a Zoom Webinar.
HOW TO ATTEND: You can use a computer, phone or tablet.
(NOTE: to use a phone or tablet you must first download and install the free Zoom MEETING app from the app store, or by clicking HERE.) When it's time, click on the
- When it is time to join the webinar, click HERE
- When your computer asks, click "open zoom.us.app"
- When your Zoom asks, click "join with computer audio"
HOW TO ASK QUESTIONS: During the session, you can type questions for the beekeepers in the chat section of your screen. Someone will read the questions to the beekeepers, then you'll be able to hear their answers, or someone else may type a reply to you.
Please don't 'unmute' your microphone during the session.
The session starts at 11 AM, but join early so you have time to work through potential technical glitches.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Maureen Jais-Mick
Bee Yard Manager