Catmint – Nepeta species
Catmint is a long-blooming perennial that is easily grown in average to dry, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. They form a spreading clump of stems rising to 36” tall, depending on the species, and spreading up to 36” wide. The tubular blue flowers appear on spikes. Sheer off spent flower spikes to promote continued bloom.
Other attributes include:
- Long bloom time late May – September.
- No serious insect pests or diseases
- Drought tolerant.
- Aromatic foliage is Deer and rabbit resistant.
- 3 star nectar, 2 star pollen source, according to Garden Plants for Honey Bees, by Peter Lindtner.
- ‘Walker’s Low’ and Junior Walker™ are two really good, dwarf cultivars.

Junior Walker™ in my garden. If you look closely at the top right of the first plant, you can see the yellow-and-black hummingbird hawk moth visiting the flowers.
-Marie Rojas