Lend Your Yard to a Beekeeper

Want the benefits of a beehive on YOUR PROPERTY, without doing the work?

LEND a small corner of your property to a beekeeper!  Your garden will love you!

There are many reasons you'll enjoy providing a spot for hives:

  • Beekeeping is a LOT of work, and you do none of it!
  • Prestige / bragging rights
  • Satisfaction of knowing you are helping bees, and a beekeeper
  • Improved pollination of your garden flowers, fruits, veggies, &  herbs

Why would a beekeeper need a place to keep a beehive?

Maybe they:

  • Live in an apartment
  • Their own property isn't suited
  • They already have too many hives in one location
  • They are splitting one hive into two and need to keep the hives separated by two miles

Step One:

Think through the commitment.  Here is a starter list of topics for the beekeeper and property owner to discuss:

YesNoDoes the site have easy access for the beekeeper?
YesNoCan the beekeeper come and go as needed?
YesNoDoes the landowner abstain from pesticide use?
YesNoDoes the beekeeper need access to a water spigot?
YesNoMay the beekeeper store supplies on the property?
YesNoCan the landowner limit human/animal traffic around the hive site?
YesNoIs the site suitable for bees? The Beekeeper will evaluate the site first hand, but some considerations will be: sunshine, distance to a water source, room to work, wind break, dry soil, etc.
YesNoIf the colony needs to be split, can the additional hives be placed on the property?
YesNoWill the property owner notify the beekeeper of unusual situations? E.g. a windstorm knocks over the hive, raccoons or other wild animals seen bothering the hive, etc.
YesNoDoes the beekeeper retain ownership of all the equipment?
YesNoIs the beekeeper responsible for all hive maintenance?
YesNoIs the land owner responsible for clearing any needed permissions, like HOA, or simply notifying neighbors?
How much of the honey harvest goes to the land owner? 1-pound? 2? 3?
How will the agreement be terminated? E.g. How much notice does the beekeeper require?
YesNoWill you print and sign your list of agreements, so everyone can remember the terms.

Step Two:

Check the table below to see if a beekeeper in your area is currently SEEKING an outyard, then contact them to discuss a possible arrangement. (The list is sometimes completely blank).

SEEKING Outyard City Zipcode First name Last name Phone - Email
SEEKING an outyard Brookeville 20833 russell chandler 2409887609 recchandler@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Laurel 20708 Kimberly Mehalick 301-552-2214 kimnmike89@verizon.net
SEEKING an outyard gaithersburg 20882 Andrea Langworthy 240-793-0363 andrea@bannerbees.com
SEEKING an outyard SILVER SPRING 20902 RONALDO VASQUEZ 2403880743 rvasquez9@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Frederick 21701 Edmund Kleeh 240 409 1924 eakl17@verizon.net
SEEKING an outyard Highland 20777 Daniel Curtin 443-616-7286 djc7149@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Silver Spring 20904 Michael Perez 603-505-0150 perezmichael55@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Silver Spring 20910 Eric Eicher 2403050989 ericeicher76@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Silver spring 20910 Ryan Eicher 2406784458 ryaneicher@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Germantown 20874-6165 Dana Staats 3018019039 staatsdana@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard silver spring 20910 Peter scott 240-423-7205 peterescott@me.com
SEEKING an outyard Derwood 20855 Sommer Gee 202-809-0594 sommergee@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Washington 20002 Robert Yochem 4109290762 ryochem@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Washington 20002 Del Voss 202-677-0959 dvoss@frenchintoenglish.com
SEEKING an outyard Germantown 20874 Andrea Campos 2404767626 yvettecampos.cyc@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Laurel 20707 Bob Rogers 4432712503 skygirlapiaries@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Silver Spring 20902 Jasmine Taper 240-480-9212 jasminetaper92@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard DERWOOD 20855 Charles Cherven 3219177585 charles.cherven@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Arlington 22207 Pat Murphy 703 973-7275 7332pkm@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard SILVER SPRING 20906 Jackie Kiwanuka 240-506-9320 jackie.kiwanuka@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Rockville 20850 Taylor Boyd 240-205-9645 taylorboyd1992@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Bethesda 20817 Heidi Hayes 3017175130 Kidneyflower@gmail.com
SEEKING an outyard Potomac 20854-3962 Sarah Fontaine 8122193034 sarahnfontaine@gmail.com

Step Three:

If you don't find a match in Step Two, OFFER YOUR YARD.  If beekeepers see a ready-made option, they may be spurred to create an outyard.  You can put your name on a private list -- only MCBA Beekeepers can see your contact info.  To add your name, Register as a Guest Member by clicking HERE.

You are not logged in. You MUST be logged in, and a full member, to see the contact info of people offering their yards.   

OFFERING Outyard First name City
Offering my yard Eric Adelphi
Offering my yard Michelle Annapolis
Offering my yard Pat Annapolis
Offering my yard Kal Annapolis
Offering my yard Christopher Barnesville
Offering my yard Ken bethesda
Offering my yard David Bethesda
Offering my yard Chris Bethesda
Offering my yard Greg Bethesda
Offering my yard Macy Bethesda
Offering my yard Hector Bethesda
Offering my yard Brenda P. Bethesda
Offering my yard Rosemary Bethesda
Offering my yard Amelia R Bethesda
Offering my yard Robert Bethesda
Offering my yard Maria Bethesda
Offering my yard Gaya Bethesda
Offering my yard Anna Bethesda
Offering my yard David Bethesda
Offering my yard Erika Bethesda
Offering my yard Tara Bethesda
Offering my yard MONICA BETHESDA
Offering my yard Eileen Bethesda, Md 20817
Offering my yard Angela Bethlehem
Offering my yard Olivia Boyds
Offering my yard Lisa Boyds
Offering my yard Jennifer Boyds
Offering my yard Emmy Brookeville
Offering my yard Annie Brookeville
Offering my yard leslie Broookeville
Offering my yard Raju Burtonsville
Offering my yard Suzanna Burtonsville
Offering my yard Kristy Centreville
Offering my yard Alex Chevy Chase
Offering my yard Allison Chevy Chase
Offering my yard Veronique Chevy Chase
Offering my yard Sarah Chevy Chase
Offering my yard Suzanne Chevy Chase
Offering my yard Dianne Chevy Chase
Offering my yard Ralph Chevy Chase
Offering my yard Margaret Chevy Chase
Offering my yard Abigail Chevy Chase
Offering my yard Aditi Chevy Chase
Offering my yard Nathalie Chevy Chase
Offering my yard Rachel Clarksburg
Offering my yard Elizabeth Clarksburg
Offering my yard Lauren Colesville
Offering my yard Thomas Damascus
Offering my yard Deborah Damascus
Offering my yard David Damascus
Offering my yard Rick Damascus
Offering my yard Carmita Damascus
Offering my yard Natasha Damascus
Offering my yard Melissa Darnestown
Offering my yard Monica Darnestown
Offering my yard Brian Darnestown
Offering my yard Kelly Darnestown
Offering my yard Gina Denver
Offering my yard Heather Derwood
Offering my yard Grace Derwood
Offering my yard Carolyn Derwood
Offering my yard Lorien Dickerson
Offering my yard Allen Dickerson
Offering my yard Don Dickerson
Offering my yard Kristin Dresher
Offering my yard Patrick Emmitsburg
Offering my yard Christine Gaithersburg
Offering my yard Roman Gaithersburg
Offering my yard Sandra Gaithersburg
Offering my yard Nicole Gaithersburg
Offering my yard Cynthia Gaithersburg
Offering my yard Marc Gaithersburg
Offering my yard Heath Gaithersburg
Offering my yard Venessa Gaithersburg
Offering my yard Sara Gaithersburg
Offering my yard Meilie Gaithersburg
Offering my yard Muluneh Gaithersburg
Offering my yard Matthew Garrett Park
Offering my yard Ken Germantown
Offering my yard Ahdia Germantown
Offering my yard Steven Germantown
Offering my yard Judy GERMANTOWN
Offering my yard Charles Giussano
Offering my yard Valerie Glenwood
Offering my yard Michael Glyndon
Offering my yard Stefano Indian Head
Offering my yard Ebrahim Jefferson
Offering my yard Kristina kensington
Offering my yard Sandra Kensington
Offering my yard Meredith Kensington
Offering my yard Seena Kensington
Offering my yard Mary Beth Kensington
Offering my yard Lindsey Kensington
Offering my yard Martina Kensington
Offering my yard Barry Lake Ozark
Offering my yard Lenesh Laurel
Offering my yard Theresa Laurel
Offering my yard Sharon Laytonsville
Offering my yard julia Laytonsville
Offering my yard Nicholas Melrose Park


  • Everyone can see the list of MCBA beekeepers SEEKING an outyard, but only MCBA members, logged in, can see the details for people OFFERING an outyard.
  • If you are not a member, you can easily join - whether you are a beekeeper or just a bee enthusiast.  Sign-up is all done instantly, online.  CLICK to JOIN.
  • Members can list themselves as either SEEKING an outyard, or OFFERING an outyard (a very nice gesture!)
  • Members, to LIST or REMOVE your name on this page, login and update your Profile Page
  • MCBA provides this unmonitored, unendorsed bulletin board as a service to Montgomery County, MD residents.  Use at your own risk, MCBA assumes no liability.


Are you excited about having bees on your property, but the above list didn't get the job done?  We are aware of some companies which provide this as a paid service.  Typical contract prices can range from $1,500 to $4,000/year.  Again, we cannot endorse any specific company, however as an informational service to you, we can provide contact information to help you find companies.  Click HERE to request our help.