Your chance to VOLUNTEER
MCBA beekeepers participate in numerous public demonstrations and events throughout the year. The largest of which is the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair held each August. The club brings an observation hive to Old MacDonald’s barn. You start the conversation by asking “Can you find the Queen?” (she is marked) and the questions flow from there.
The busiest time of the year for bee presentations is around Earth Day in April. MCBA members have manned booths at Ft. Mead’s Earth Day Celebration, the Master Gardener Grow It, Eat It Spring Open House and the GreenFest of Montgomery County. Individual presentations were done for Career Day at Germantown Elementary School, the Children in the Shoe preschool, the 5th graders of Ashburton Elementary school and at the Cashell Elementary School's Parent Teacher Association’s Community Fair. Weil, Gotshall & Manges LLP invited a beekeeper to do the lunch-lecture for their celebration of Earth Day. Discovery Day, hosted by the Discovery Channel in Silver Spring included a club beekeeper.
If you enjoy talking about bees…. join us! You can talk about honey – how is made and extracted; you could talk about the life of a bee and the activities of the hive; you can focus on ways to help the bees – which flowers to plant and whether to use pesticides.
The club has a PowerPoint presentation you can use. There are a posters and laminated pictures to share with a group. There are samples of pollen, propolis, and honeycomb to pass around. You can borrow the learning hive or take live bees in the observation hive. Email me at pphepp@aol.com and I will add you to the email list. You will start hearing of opportunities to share your interest and knowledge of bees with the community.
-Pam Hepp