Native Bees

There are more than 20,000 bee species in the world... 4,000 are native to the U.S., and more than 400 live in Maryland!
In the vast majority of locations, including Maryland, native bees and honey bees coexist nicely. Both deserve our respect, and luckily, what helps one, also helps the other.


  • Plant native flowers. Bees have had lots of their food sources taken away. For example, habitats that used to provide food (flowering plants) for bees have been turned into lawns, houses, roads, parking lots, schools, soccer fields, fields of grain, etc.
  • Provide nesting sites for native bees. The same loss of habitat that took away food sources, also took away the tiny nesting sites native bees need. Learn how to easily create nesting places for native bees, by leaving a small pile of branches, for example. AND, if you are interested in studying native bees, you may want erect a bee house. The Pollinator Partnership video below is loaded with information about both, and some of the info is listed below.
  • Don't use pesticides. More pesticides are currently used in urban settings than on rural farm land. Pesticides hurt bees. Even when a bee doesn't instantly die, pesticides can have long term effects, including lower fertility and decreased ability to endure bee-diseases. Say 'no' to Mosquito Joe.

Annual Maintenance for Bee Houses (from video)

  • Early spring (Feb): Put out cleaned/empty mason bee house
  • Early spring: Put out cocoons
  • Spring: Observe and enjoy!
  • Late Spring/summer: see them hatching/eating/pupating
  • Summer: Nothing
  • Fall/Winter: Remove cocoons, clean and store

Choosing a Bee House Checklist (from video)

  • Tunnels can be cleaned (paper, cardboard, reeds, modular trays)
  • Tunnels are at least 15cm long
  • Tunnels are 8mm wide or less)
  • Structure can be firmly secured (does not swing)
  • Structure has protection from elements (roof)
  • There are enough nearby resources for the bees
  • You are able to take care of the house

Video - Bee Houses: Uses, Do's and Don'ts


Pollinator Partnership website has extensive info on a variety of pollinators.

Crown Bees is an online bee house vendor. Their website has good information on native bees (see Bee Knowledgeable tab , and directions on caring for native bees in a bee house.

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