Pussy Willow, Goat Willow – Salix caprea
- Large shrub/small tree, 10-20’ tall and wide.
- Blooms in March.
- 2 star nectar, 4 star pollen source for honey bees.
- Bumble, mining and sweat bees; wasps, syrphid and tachinid flies also visit the flowers.
- Sun to part shade; likes moist to wet areas, but will tolerate drier soils.
- Very adaptable; often requires vigorous pruning to keep in check.
- They are separate male and female plants; select a male for abundant, nutritious yellow pollen, both
male and female plants produce nectar.
Of this plant, Peter Lindtner states, “If I had a place for only one small tree in my garden, I would plant this
one. It is a pleasure to watch bees collecting pollen and packing it into pellets, happily buzzing from one
flower to another.”
In his book, Garden Plants for Honey Bees, Peter Lindtner ranks garden plants’ value as nectar and pollen
sources for honey bees: one star being the least resourceful, and five stars being the most. The book reflects
his life’s work, as both a horticulturist and beekeeper.