MoCo Ag Fair Honey & Beeswax Contests

Want to enter the Montgomery County, Maryland
HONEY and Beeswax (and more!) CONTESTS ?
Here are the RULES

SUPERINTENDENT: Jim Fraser, 301-518-9678

1. All exhibitors are subject to the general rules and regulations in addition to the particular rules listed here.

2. All honey and beeswax exhibits must have been produced by the exhibitor during the past 15 months (except Classes 2, and 18 through 25).

3. Only one entry allowed per class.

4. No exhibitor’s name or label will be allowed on entries except classes 2 and 19.  Identification stickers with exhibitor’s number may be secured to the bottom of the items to avoid mistakes in dismantling exhibits.

5. All honey entries must have been gathered and ripened in a natural way by honey bees.

6. Judge may withhold prizes for insufficient merit and remove from public view any entry or part thereof which, in his or her opinion, discredits the exhibition.

7. The Superintendent at time of entry will determine the color class of all extracted honey, but, prior to judging, may shift it to another class where appropriate.

8. Honey display (minimum of 10 pounds of honey) may include pictures and charts but may not include beekeeper’s equipment, tools, observation hive or honey in tins.

9. John Smeltzer Educational Exhibit, (class 2) Three-dimensional exhibit preferred; text readable at four feet. Labels permitted (rule 4 does not apply). Live bees or insects are not permitted. If exhibit requires honey, five pounds is the maximum amount. Object: to depict the importance of honey bees to humans. (1) Produce valuable economic goods (honey, beeswax, pollen, propolis, bee venom, by-products and medicinal drug components); (2) perform valuable economic service (pollination); (3) provide interesting and cultural recreation.

10. Extracted, chunk, and finely granulated honey must be exhibited in clear, untinted glass or plastic jars of one-pound or more capacity.

11. If new beekeepers bring three item entries for classes 26, 27 and 28, they will be judged also in the appropriate classes for additional premiums.

12. All rectangular section honey combs must be sealed in plastic bags or wrapped in clear plastic.

13. All cut comb honey must be packed in clear covered plastic boxes, 4x4x1.5 inches.

14. Frame of honey. Must be supported vertically in a sealed case with transparent windows for viewing entire comb portion, and to prevent robbing by local bees.

15. Personal gift arrangement of honey bee products should be attractive and practical (in a box, basket, or other suitable container).

16. Arts and crafts articles may be drawings, paintings, pottery, needlework, batik, carvings, depicting honey bees and bee keeping activities. Exhibit must have been created by the exhibitor. Commercial kits or copies of commercial items are not acceptable.

17. Beekeeper’s Children’s (under 12) Arts and Crafts may be a drawing, painting, beeswax craft, needlework, ceramic, model, toy, etc.

18. Items exhibited in classes 23 and 24, which may be unfamiliar to the viewer, must be labeled with name, use, directions for use, when appropriate.

19. For classes with two or less entries, the Superintendent has the option to combine classes.

20. The Judge has the option to withhold first place in a class with only one entry.

21. If more than one member of a household exhibit in the same class, the lower scoring entry may be placed after the other exhibitors by the Superintendent.

DEADLINES for Show Entries

  1. All show entries must be delivered to the Farm and Garden Building Friday, Aug 12, 2022, 10 AM – 6 PM (the Friday before the fair opens), or Saturday, August 13, 8:30 AM – 2 PM (opening day of the fair) . Be sure to obtain a receipt for each item entered.
  2. All Show Entries must be picked up by the participant the day after the fair closesSunday, August 22, 2022 from 10 AM – 2 PM. Unless otherwise arranged, any items that are not picked up will become the property of MCBA, Inc. and/or will be donated to charity.


1. An award of a GRAND CHAMPION ROSETTE and $5 will be given.

2. Two awards of CHAMPION ROSETTE and $4 will be given to two entries for Best in Show.

3. An award of BEST IN SHOW will be given to the best entry in the show.


1. Honey display (not to exceed five feet in length and 24 inches in depth).

2. Educational poster or exhibit (not to exceed three feet in length and 18 inches in depth;

maximum five pounds of honey).

3. Three jars, water white extracted honey.

4. Three jars, extra light amber extracted honey.

5. Three jars, light amber extracted honey.

6. Three jars, amber extracted honey.

7. Three jars, dark amber extracted honey.

8. Three jars, dark extracted honey.

9. Three jars, finely granulated honey.

10. Three jars, chunk honey.

11. Three plastic boxes of cut comb honey, 4x4x1.5 inches.

12. One frame of honey.

13. Three rectangular or round sections of comb honey.

14. One jar, pollen (1# honey jar).

15. One piece, molded block of beeswax, plain or fancy (one pound minimum).

16. One pair, dipped taper or straight beeswax candles.

17. One pair, molded taper or straight beeswax candles.

18. Candle, other.

19. Artistic beeswax creations, coloring and additives permitted (moldings and plain candles not permitted).

20. Personal gift arrangement of honey bee products (labels permitted). May include dried flowers and agricultural products.

21. Arts and crafts article (depicting bee keeping), framed or matted.

22. Photographic print (depicting beekeeping).

23. Other products or by-products from the honey bee (cooked/baked items, beverages and mead not permitted).

24. Gadget to assist the beekeeper.

25. Unusual item produced by honey bees.

26. Molded beeswax tree ornaments, additives and coloring permitted.

27. One jar, extra light through light amber extracted honey (new beekeeper only).

28. One jar, amber through dark extracted honey (new beekeeper only).

29. One jar, chunk honey, one section of comb honey, one frame, one plastic box of cut comb honey or one piece molded beeswax (new beekeeper only).

30. Beekeeper’s children arts (depicting bee keeping), under 12 yrs. old.

31. Beekeeper’s children’s crafts (depicting bee keeping), under 12 yrs. old..

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