MCBA Earth Day by Mary McQueen

On Wednesday April 23rd, Jim Fraser and Mary McQueen represented the Montgomery County Beekeepers Association (MCBA) at the 11th annual Earth Day Celebration at Fort Meade. There were approximately 2,000 people in attendance including 245 students from 3 elementary schools, soldiers, their family members and Department of Defense personnel. MCBA was one of 51 exhibitors at this year’s event.

A new MCBA tri-fold display made by Kristin Dill, Jim Fraser and Mary McQueen had its debut.  Jim Fraser also brought a frame of bees for observation using a club display box..  It was entertaining to see some soldiers peering at the bees from a comfortably remote distance while there were babies with their faces up to the glass plus a full range of other reactions.  Many visitors returned repeatedly to our exhibit looking at the display and asking great questions. Hopefully some will become future beekeepers.

It was great fun, and I encourage others to use the tri-fold and bee display box to spread the word. Information on how you can represent the MCBA using the tri-fold bee display box and other educational and outreach tools will follow.

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